Free 3D Printer Files

If you’re here, that means you’ve found our FREE 3D Printer Files!

We have a small 3D Printer that allows us to make a variety of items for our DIY projects. It comes in handy for templates and small blocks. Now we’re sharing them with you!

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Files Available

We’ll update this library as we add more. All downloads come in either .DXF or .STL file formats (or both!).

Pull-out Spice Rack 

from our DIY Organization video

.STL file format

Bowtie Router Template

from our How To Use A Router video

both .DXF or .STL file formats.

Leg Cutout Router Template

from our Modern Bed Frame video

both .DXF or .STL file formats.

Strap Clamp’s Corner Blocks

from our Planter Box & Headboard videos

.STL file format