Hi, friends! I’m So Glad You’re Here!

My name is Amanda, and I am the creator of Big Living | Little Footprint. I am a mom, a landscape architect, DIY-er, Disney and wine-lover, and advocate for the Earth. I grew up in the the U.S. Midwest, and got a master’s degree in landscape architecture as I was super excited to have an influence on our built environment. I worked in the landscape architecture industry for many years after college, and learned a lot about our environment before becoming a mom. I have many passions in my life that all culminate into this blog focused on helping you live sustainably through DIY Projects, Sustainable Home Improvement & Eco-friendly Living Tips.


First, some more about us and backstory for you all! In the late summer of 2019, I had my first child. This in itself is a momentous event in any couple’s life. However, for my hubby and I, it was also an epiphany moment. Yes, becoming a parent itself is scary, but there was another aspect that gnawed at us beyond regular parenting fears.

We had always been conscious of trying to minimize our footprint on the Earth to help reduce waste and fight climate change. But now we were bringing another life into this world. This child would be directly impacted by the decisions our peers and us make in regards to the Earth’s health!  Not only were we concerned about how we impact the Earth, but in case you don’t know….babies create a TON of waste!!! There are so many little choices parents, or anyone for that matter, can make to reduce their overall footprint…don’t get me started on diapers. And as my hubby would note, save you money and the planet!

So as a family, we are striving to live a sustainable life while also living big and enjoying everyday to the fullest!

Meet the family

Now that you know our backstory, I have to introduce the ones who bring me joy everyday!

My amazing hubby, Tyler, is the crazy sweet man I’ve been married to and fall in love with more each day (yes mushy-gushy I know!). We met in college and he was totally oblivious to my advances. It took a little bit to get past the denial stage, but he finally realized I was crushing on him. We quickly fell into a loving relationship that I know will stand the test of time.

Tyler is a mechanical design engineer, which in short means he loves problems/challenges, numbers, and finding ways to make everything more efficient! He’s the man who takes my silly ideas and dreams and finds a way to make it happen. We always say I dream it up and make decisions, and he finds a way to execute it!


Now I have to gush over my sweet little guy, Leon! He’s is the cuddliest, sweetest, helpful boy ever. He’s super into making, building, and crafting right alongside his parents. We do our best to incorporate him in our projects when he wants to help, and teach him to safely use tools. He also has a love for being outside in nature and is always willing to help in the garden!

Two golden retriever puppies named Nessie and Rei

Nessie + Rei

Lastly, we have two adorable golden retrievers, Nessie and Rei! They both love (I mean really LOVE!!!) people and cuddling with all of us. Most evenings, we all end up in a cuddly puppy pile on our couch enjoying the fluffy warm love these two sweet pups provide. They’re also definitely our shop dogs as they must be within 10 feet of us!

Now you know all about us! I am truly thankful for you joining us on this adventure with us to live a big life while leaving a little footprint on this planet we call home.

All the love from us to you,
Amanda, Tyler, Leon, Nessie, & Rei